A Sustainable Trail is a trail that minimizes its impact on the natural environment, is responsibly managed for trail users and benefits surrounding communities.
How does one determine if trail is a “good quality” trail?
The fundamental principle behind Green Flag is that only you yourself can decide what trail is best for you; no outside trail “expert” who decides which trails are “good” and “bad”, can make the decision for you. For a trail user to have a good experience he or she simply requires correct trail information to make an informed choice. When trails adhere to set standards of they type of trail they aspire to be and meet their trail class, they can be considered a well developed trail and one that will meet the expectations of the trail users seeking such a trail.
How can one ensure that a trail is being enjoyed by trail users over a long life-span?
At Green Flag Trails, we believe the following play a role:
- If trail users experience exactly what they have been promised, they will be satisfied and regard it a good trail to visit again and to promote it to friends.
- If the trail and associated facilities (bridges, stiles, trail markers, parking site, accommodation, etc.) are safe and well-maintained, trail users will likely enjoy the experience and return in the future.
- For a trail to remain popular, sound environmental principles and on-going trail maintenance need to be adhered to by the trail manager.
Correct information; safety and environmental responsibility are the key ingredients of “good ” trail.